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Old 01-18-2024, 11:09 AM
Ursus Maior Ursus Maior is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2020
Location: Ruhr Area, Germany
Posts: 334

Yeah, Pact stuff is much louder. They did not sound-insulate their vehicles at all and with muffler mostly missing completely, it's louder on the inside and much louder on the outside.

I was fondly surprised how loud - or not - the Marder was. It certainly wasn't as quite as the Luchs, famous for its quiet approaches and drive-bys. However, you could hide an idling Marder pretty well and even driving one, ambient noises would mask it to a certain degree. In the dark, it could be much closer than one thought, if untrained, and its thermal optics was quite good in the A3 version. I appreciated the optics during training and I've seen photos from the current war that show Russian MBTs younger than out Marder 1A3 with optics that seem to be worse, sometimes a lot.
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