Ignore this comment if the interest is for other reasons, but for a Twilight campaign, it might be worth looking a little earlier. Cuba's military readiness crashed fast and hard after the collapse of the USSR.
According to "Cuba's Revolutionary Armed Forces: Adapting in the New Environment" (Cuban Studies Vol. 26, 1996), between 1991 (when Cuba withdrew its expeditionary forces from Africa) and 1995 the number of active service members declined from ~180,000 to ~105,000, with 1991-1993 seeing a decline of 7,000 soldiers and 1993-1995 a decline of 68,500. The Army went from 145,000 to 85,000, the Air Force from 22,000 to 15,000, and the Navy from 13,500 to 5,000.
They also cut the term of service for conscripts from three years to two years, and the military's proportion of Cuba's budget declined from 13% in the mid-80s to 1.6% in 1995.
Those are going to make any mid-90s TO&E chaotic, particularly since another paper mentioned the Army continued to decline until 2000, when it had only 55,000 service members (down from 145,000 a decade earlier).
For the divisions, armored and mechanized divisions do not follow the numbering rule of their first digit being the number of their Army/Corps. They seem to have been viewed at the time as HQ-level assets detached for a particular Army's use. All other divisions do follow the numbering rule. Also, all division numbers are two digits, so the 3rd Armored (for example) would be rendered as the 03rd Armored. There are some oddballs that don't get renumbered - all those 3X divisions in the Eastern Army are examples, because 3rd Army Corps was in Matanzas, in the Central Army. When those divisions were moved from Central to East, they weren't renumbered.
The poster formerly known as The Dark
The Vespers War - Ninety years before the Twilight War, there was the Vespers War.