Thread: Cuban OOB
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Old 05-29-2024, 06:48 PM
ToughOmbres ToughOmbres is offline
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Default Cuban Strength/numbers

Per Chris Bishop and Ian Drury's World Military Weapons: The World's Armies and their Equipment. Aerospace and Crescent Publishing (1988)

Cuba: Strength 130,000 including c.60,000 conscripts serving 3 years; 170,000 official reserves.
Paramilitary: 15,000 state security, 3,500 frontier guards, 100,000 youth labour army, 50,000 civil defence, 1,200,000 territorial militia.

Army Organization: 4 Corps, 1 Armd. Div, 4 Mech Inf. Div, 7 Inf Div (at 60% strength) 26 AD and SAM Bdes, 8 cadre Inf Div, 2 Bn Sp Forces, 1 AB Bde, 3 Fd Arty Bde, 8 Indep Inf Regt.

Equipment includes 800 tanks: IS-2, T-34, T 54/55, T-62, PT-76, 700 IFV (BRDM BMP, BMD, BTR) 1,250 guns howitzers, 65 SSM (FROG), 1600 AA guns.

More numbers and specific weapons systems if they are useful if you like, no more specific TO & E or Order of Battle specifics though.
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