Thread: On my way back
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Old 06-27-2009, 02:20 AM
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Mohoender Mohoender is offline
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Default On my way back

Hello everyone.

I have been away because of personnal reasons : futile and not so futile. Work for myself and for others, more time to my family, working on my own version of Hearts of Iron 2 (for those who know) and playing it.

Now, I have some more time and I'll be visiting again. I found out today that this forum is still well in shape and I continue to appreciate the consideration shown among its members. I was a member in two forums (this one and a french one).

When Kato is calling he basically asks: How are you? everything fine?
Answer: Everythings fine thank you, I just needed some times off.

When the french forum gets to the news the question is more: What the f... are you doing? We have nothing to do with non contributing members.
Answer: Get lost.

Gee, these frenchies are so damn serious! Now you know why I prefer to be back among you. Thanks people.
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