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Old 02-17-2009, 06:20 AM
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Default Political Situation In Eureka

The town of Eureka is divided in a way , there are app. 2000 people that can lay claim to being locals .

The last few weeks another 5000 people - 2000 marines and their families and other civillian refugees from MilGov Asia has settled -invited in by Willis.

And then there are the different warlord factions ,pain and his Praetorians,House Takashi and her palace Guard ,WillisCo and his private military contractors and DeCorba with his last remaining loyalists and their families.

By decree from the defacto ruler oft he town,Willis, who has all the rations under lock and key and armed guard , all factions are to intermingle and settle in a random pattern .

But the Warlord factions are given major buildings to occupy or take them over as they are abandoned. This means that they can house their best equipment and a sizeable garrison in one area .Some of their people wil still have to live in housing close by or in other parts of the town .

You are asked by the council in writing to contribute to the common defense and prosperity with whatever you can spare giving up .Armoured vehicles , light artillery and ammo is of a major concern .

You are also asked to freely participate in any military or security operation undertaken in the common best interest. This includes expeditions to secure important resources,security patrol and marauder hunting as well as larger military ops decided by the council .
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