Thread: Prime Base
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Old 09-24-2015, 09:29 AM
mmartin798 mmartin798 is offline
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Pre-EOTW, the weather data is not that important. Neither is predicting the fallout pattern. The sensor net I suggested would be near real-time data, so the radiation detector will tell you the exact fallout pattern. The weather sensors would let meteorologists at PB to predict severe weather events and direct more aid to those areas than to ones that will have more temperate weather and can wait a bit longer. Relying solely on fairly widely spaced teams to provide this kind of data seems foolish. The sensor net, using only Morrow Industries sites, would likely be able to let PB map radiation levels, chemical contamination and local weather conditions for most of a state in just an hour. One to three teams would take better than a day to get an idea of the same condition with less resolution. Just seems a packet radio mesh network of sensors would be very useful.
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