Thread: FM DeCorba
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Old 03-04-2009, 04:24 AM
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FMDeCorba FMDeCorba is offline
Field marshal with an itch
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 190

Originally Posted by FMDeCorba
1. I clearly stated that the castle should be left entirely destroyed and uninhabitable before I left
If I had had any doubt that there was even a foot of wall standing, I would have made sure it wasn´t when I was done. This smacks of post-fact editing, and that annoys me far more than the flag supposedly flying from that hill.

As for the enrollment into the local militia, I discuss this with all my officers. Given the situation, my priority is to make sure that the interests (food, shelter) of those that have been loyal are taken care of. If they can agree to the terms, then OK. If not, I want an assessment of other potential sources of income.

Fieldmarshal DeCorba
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