Thread: FM DeCorba
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Old 03-04-2009, 05:52 AM
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Default okeeeeyy.......................................... ........ .

"Fla-flap -the MacRae banner impertinently flies EXTRA vigourously over the battered ramparts "

I think I just saw this go down differently than you when we played the hurried exodus from your areas -we agreed to take this in a downtime mode rather than actual phase by phase -so on this condition I would say that I can stand by words here .The fuel and ammo made a nice fireball in your rearview mirror as you rushed of with the other refugees , so the squad you delegated to do the job were pleased about their work .(You did delegate this when you said -" I make sure that someone takes care of the move "

Your criticizm smacks of "everything my PC tries his hand at goes well regardless of the multitude of variables that could go wrong"-ism ,but doesnt annoy me one bit

It is the overall picture that is important here ,as you did ask for it to be handled "administratively". Also I hear no such critisizm about the events that turn out in your favour ?

However I find it a fun mission to play you going back to level the place 101% to the ground instead of its 82% burnt out rubble status.

Your officers agree to the terms as it is the only possible source of getting rations without taking them from someone who is in need or prepared to fight hard for them .(raiding ,banditry and stealing doesnt sit well with most apparently -deeming after what they say )

Your 2ic admits that it isnt his first choice ,but he and all other ranks agree in unison to resign their commissions in the militia and rejoin the regiment under your leadership as soon as circumstances allow it .Thie contract states that this cannot be done while on operations or in time of war -without written consent from Militia HQ.

A pair of Colonel rank insigni is sent to your place by courier from the militia hq.

A note is attached : "welcome aboard , Colonel."

You are in the army now.

Originally Posted by FMDeCorba
If I had had any doubt that there was even a foot of wall standing, I would have made sure it wasn´t when I was done. This smacks of post-fact editing, and that annoys me far more than the flag supposedly flying from that hill.

As for the enrollment into the local militia, I discuss this with all my officers. Given the situation, my priority is to make sure that the interests (food, shelter) of those that have been loyal are taken care of. If they can agree to the terms, then OK. If not, I want an assessment of other potential sources of income.

Last edited by headquarters; 03-04-2009 at 06:05 AM.
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