Thread: Sweden in T2K
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Old 09-28-2017, 10:01 PM
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StainlessSteelCynic StainlessSteelCynic is offline
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As an aside, the "Swedish-K" Carl Gustav M/45 was not quite as uncommon as might initially be thought. They were in service in Algeria, Ireland and Paraguay as well as being used by US and SVN forces during the Vietnam War/Second Indochina War. They were also made under licence by Egypt and Indonesia.

They were actually so common in South Vietnam that my father, a junior officer in the Australian Army in Vietnam at the time, "bought" one from regular US forces (as opposed to special units) - bought in this case meaning he traded it for that most desirable of Australian currency during that conflict... Aussie beer.
He also managed to collect a MAT-49 (not in working condition), AKM and M16A1 (that he used as his personal weapon because his issued weapon was the Browning pistol which he never really liked - probably because he can't shoot pistols worth a damn!) The Swedish-K was used as a backup in case he couldn't scrounge enough 5.56mm as he was only supposed to be issued 9mm ammo.
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