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Old 06-24-2012, 02:39 AM
stg58fal stg58fal is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: MT
Posts: 121

If sometimes the words in my posts don't make sense, its most likely because I'm posting using my *supposedly* "smart" phone. Dumb bastard likes to correct me when I use a word I haven't taught it yet, and I don't always catch it before clicking the submit button, or the send button when texting. For example, in my post above it should say fellow *gamers*.

Stupid bastardass phone....

Targan, I hear ya. The history was a shock to me, too, after v1, v2, and v2.2, but then I got into the back of the book where it says (paraphrasing here) a lot of the things in the history were implausible or took a series of unlikely and bad decisions for them to happen. Perhaps there was some hidden force/group at work? And presto, I had a campaign idea, the Ultimate Bad Guys (Russian soldiers are caught up in things the same way the NATO forces are), some major NPC's, minor encounters that can serve as plot hooks to get the PC's on the scent.....all kinds of things.

The fact that PC's can die from things other than a direct hit from a tactical nuke was just the icing on the cake, IMO. Not that I'm a killer GM (I can only think of 3, maybe 4 characters that have died when I was GMing), I just like for the idea, the threat, to be there. I think it encourages players to use their heads more and do things the way a real person would, instead of wading right through rifle and machinegun fire, soaking up dozens of bullets, and accomplishing whatever the goal is. Yes, Palladium, I'm looking at you. >

Michael, feel like sharing any details about your campaign? Plots, any changes you've made to the setting/timeline, etc., that kind of thing? I'm always on the prowl for new ideas.
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