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Old 01-11-2021, 08:15 PM
swaghauler swaghauler is offline
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Originally Posted by Adm.Lee View Post
Not mine, but from the "Twilight:2000 solo" blog

"House Rule - Successes and ammo usage: When you roll more than one success in ranged combat, each additional success after the first can be used to reduce the amount of ammunition expended. For each success sacrificed, the amount expended can be reduced by half (round down, minimum of 1). Successes used in this manner cannot be used to cause critical hits. All successes may be used, regardless of source (Ability, Skill or Ammo die)."

As yet, I have not played the v4 rules yet, only read them lightly and much commentary here and on FB. I am aware that ammo usage is a point of contention. It seems to me that the designers' intent is that "you keep pulling the trigger until the target falls down or is lost somehow", which rubs a lot of players the wrong way. Some part of that resistance is a loss of player agency, as it strips away the player's control over how many shots to fire.

The above sounds like a compromise-- character skill and luck contribute to keeping down ammo usage. It does seem heavily reliant on luck, though.

I'd play it where you record and track each round you fire. The AMMO DIE is obviously taking care of burst fire but for a semi-automatic or pump/lever gun, I might allow the character to "push" any failed ammo dice for rolling a success. Each "pushed" die would then roll for additional rounds of ammo expended and I would reduce THOSE ROUNDS ROLLED by the number of successes.
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