Thread: KFS Refit
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Old 09-13-2017, 01:31 AM
Project_Sardonicus Project_Sardonicus is offline
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Originally Posted by Matt W View Post
I suspect that the KFS troops would terrify a unit of musketeers. Not only do they have an incredible rate of fire, they have rifle grenades (including a very nasty WP model with a burst radius of 40 meters)

7-man squad
CETME light machinegun with 600 rounds (another 300 are carried by the squad)
4 assault rifles and hand grenades (5 X 40 round magazines)
2 "grenadiers" with assault rifles and 8 rifle grenades each (3 x 40 round magazines)

Under fire, the musketeers might get off 1 shot every minute.
This is perhaps where I think the KFS wouldn't operate like that. Let's assume for several hundred miles in every direction of their borders the KFS has nothing but colonies, controlled villages and so on. The last thing they're going to want to do is send in the heavy artillery every time a few yokels decide to have a little peasants revolt. You're killing people you need working your fields, not to mention tearing up said fields with heavy vehicles and the survivors will run off.

The US army doesn't bring out the A10s and artillery for a football riot, that's what the police or national guard are for.

Of course the KFS will have lots of heavy units, who train hard and have copious amounts of ammo and arty. Who are rolled out to squash any serious resistance or the very occaisonal band of marauders who raid villages.

But most of the time they'd be more like an unfriendly police force, cracking skulls and dragging people off for a very short trial. I think they'd be most likely to have a lot of primitive tear gas, shot guns with bird shot and battons in their armouries.

It simultaneously I would think makes them more menacing and sinister, whilst still not wiping out the party on their first encounter.

Also whatever weapons you give to poorly paid soldiers have a nasty tendency of being lost e.g. sold onto the rebels or just merchants, or used for some half assed mutiny. Over arming your frontline troops can be a far greater menace than underarming them, a single mini14 with 200 rounds could on the blackmarket probably pay for a comfortable retirement far away from the KFS.
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