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Old 06-05-2009, 03:22 PM
Benjamin Benjamin is offline
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Location: The Burgh, PA
Posts: 112
Default Excellent WW3 videos

I just watched a movie in ten parts on youtube.

Entitled World War Three: The Movie it is an alternative history of how the Cold War could have ended badly...very badly.

The first four episodes deal with the political lead up to war and are very reminiscent to the material presented by Webstral and others regarding a Soviet crackdown in Eastern Europe.

A few of the later episodes are decidedly less believable especially when presenting naval warfare and the air war over the Central Front but are still worth sitting through.

Part 8 though rises well above the rest as a vivid portrayal of what NATO's drive towards the Oder, pre-Advent Crown, might resemble. Of course the war turns nuclear and the world goes to hell in a hand basket, but dems da brakes.

I'm interested in what the rest of you think about the show.

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