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Old 07-19-2014, 10:51 AM
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The way GDW wrote the loss of ALL viable candidates would not have happened in real life. Munsun would have promoted the 1st, 2nd or 3rd deputies for any dead cabinet members to secretary. As they have already been approved by the Senate they would now be in the line of succession.

This is not a new post 9/11 law, but the scenario was confirmed shortly after then during interviews with a 1st deputy who had not yet been promoted. They confirmed that they would be in the line of succession. Given they way it is structured something like 60 people would all have to die to have NO ONE to fill the role of president.

The biggest potential I see for a controversy is the promotion of a deputy when a secretary is not actually dead, but as Secretaries serve at the whim of the president, I see these claims dissolving quickly.
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