Thread: T2K Today
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Old 01-04-2009, 01:41 AM
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Default the world is what the world is

both sides are in the wrong here.there is no justification whatsoever on either side for the way things are being handled.There are children in the line of fire on both sides here,and I just cant understand that anyone who doesnt want both sides to stop immediately -regardless of percieved justification.

The holocaust,wiping Israel of the map,taking back land lost 60 years ago ,religion- none of it really is anything a reasonable person would get into with his counterpart if actually and genuinely trying to resolve a feud thats been going on .

The people who run things down there dont want an end to the war - the constant troubles are the reason that such "tie ins with the military" types can rule .(Look at the ranks of former Israeli leaders.and the path to leadership for the Arabs.Fighters most all of them .Dont think there ever was anyone as lowranked as Nethanyahu -a captain as far as I recall.)

As for the "threath to destroy Israel and the fear of a new holocaust " its all bogus in realpolitik.Israel has got enough nukes ,( Over 200 warheads as far as they know ),to burn the region to an ashpile and take out oilfields etc to make the world economy halt .It has also got an army that could take on any other in the middleeast and win .Save for the yanks possibly. The Arabs know it.However much you like to demonize the Iranians-they are not going to sacrifice all of Iran as nuke targets for Israeli bombs just to make a point against Israel if the Persians get nukes themselves. They only act up to gain support in the moslem world to strengthen their position , against the percieved threath from the west to their elite of theocrats and the hangers on .

So what you basically have here is a proxy war that the major powers that pull the strings could end effectively by pressuring their factions and moving forward with a plan for economic restructuring of the deprieved areas .

Someone here stated that Hamas is is "a classic terrorist organization" - well they were elected in a democratic election.They did provide the Gaza strip with a civil administration that wasnt rotten with corruption like the Fatah they replaced and they did present a full plan for administrating the Palistinians /civic society.They are an out in the open political party with members on all levels of the authorities.They also engage in terrorist attacks and guerilla warfare .

I read somewhere that since the 2001 agremeents ,Israel has been attacked 10300 times ,mainly missile strikes .In response the Israelis have attacked and the "score" is now 10-1 to Israel in terms of inflicting casualties.

A dirty war like so many others .It kind of angers me that its been allowed to go on for so long .

The world is what the world is .

I guess.

All in my humble opinion .
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