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Old 12-01-2009, 10:40 AM
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Mohoender Mohoender is offline
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Originally Posted by Graebarde View Post
I DO know that it is detrimental to put gas in a regular diesel engine, as it WILL run away... had a neighbor whose hired man filled the diesel with gas (had two tractors of the same make/model except on was gas, one diesel.. hired man usually ran the gas one, but that day was running the diesel.. latem tired, and not thinking caused him to fill the near empty tank with gas) the thing started right up and then kept increasing in engine speed until a rod came thought the side of the block... it took almost NO time for it to do so either. That was back in the early 60's.
Still has the same result on most diesel engine. It's better, however, if you put diesel in a gas engine (I'm sure, I did in a Range Rover). Your vehicle will run as long as there is enough gas in the tank. I drove 100 miles after filling a gas tank with diesel. Then, your engine simply dies on you, slowly loosing power. The good news is that it doesn't break down. You'll simply have to take the engine out and clean it the best you can. Then, do the same with the tank. Only about 24 hours work. As a result you do that once only

No need to precise that everyone around me made fun of me. At least until my step father made the same mistake: filling a BMW M5 tank with diesel. He has been the only guy I know with a diesel sports car. A few years later, it was my mother's turn to do the same. Never laugh at other's mistakes.
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