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Old 07-20-2012, 10:09 PM
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WallShadow WallShadow is offline
Ephemera of the Big Ka-Boom
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: near TMI
Posts: 574
Default new twist for an old weapon

In the case of the Ruins of Warsaw", the good guys are short of weapons and ammo, to the extent that several companies are only partially armed or without weapons. Here is where the crossbow can come in to solve several problems at once. First, it and its ammunition can be manufactured out of materials at hand--salvaged wood, metal rods and hardware by the local metalworkers and/or the Krolowa's machine shop.. Next, it can be the weapon of choice for those lurking in the rubble to ambush the Baron's men--quietly. Further, the now-dead or surrendered Black Guardsmen or other allied troops no longer need their weapons and contribute them and their ammo to the Milicye's armory. And rumors of the whispering death get back to the Baron's troops to give them pause about what can happen outside of their safe encampment.

Another case for using bow-type weapons can be seen on old re-runs of "the Dukes of Hazzard", where one of the "Good ol' boys" can be seen wreaking destruction by loosing off a few dynamite-bearing arrows as the General Lee roars away. Without the need for exceptional accuracy, a volley of explosive arrows whishing silently in before their big Ka-Boom might be very disorienting and demoralizing, rather like a WW2 Soviet Katyusha rocket attack only without the whoosh of the rockets.
"Let's roll." Todd Beamer, aboard United Flight 93 over western Pennsylvania, September 11, 2001.
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