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Old 02-03-2010, 06:05 AM
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Exclamation Jimmy Johnson PC info

Jimmy was a regular boy ,although a little weak for his age but passionate about reading .This was no good combination in post apocalyptic America ,and the boy was eventually brought half dead to a TAkashi field aid station.The doctors there found out that the boy had thaught himself to read and write from old trash and magazines with lettering on it .Impressed , they sent the boy to school on a grant as a specially gifted child.

The boy did exceptionally well , partly due to him preferring reading and learning above past times and social interaction.He soon graduated from Takashi School no 3 and completed medical training courses with top grades in quick succession.Wanting to do some good he applied for a commission in the medical branch of the Takashi army and worked successfully in a trauma unit doing combat surgery for over one year.The field hospital was captured by NDP troops in october 2019 however,and the young medic brought to a special detention center in Shandon to be interrogated about the location of medical supply caches.

He is currently at large somewhere in California
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