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Old 04-04-2010, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Legbreaker View Post
but they'll still be firing way more ammo than they need to to get the job done.
That really depends on the job, doesn't it?

It occurs to me that during the battle of Mogadishu, the Rangers in those Humvees roaring through the streets probably could have used miniguns to suppress all the snipers and gunmen blazing away at them from every window, doorway, rooftop, and alley way. Maybe the ranges were too close for the MK-19 and maybe the M2HB fired too slow... of course, with the M2HB "cover" stopped being an issue. That thing pretty much shoots through schools.

But still, the objective may be more about suppressing the enemy's fire than necessarily killing them. And yes, I realize that killing them sure as shit suppresses their fire. I'm just saying that when fighting guys whose total experience with miniguns may only be watching Terminator 2 and Predator, perhaps the weapon will be effective as suppressing them just because they are intimidated by the volume of fire and the sound it makes.

A. Scott Glancy, President TCCorp, dba Pagan Publishing
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