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Old 03-16-2022, 11:23 AM
Bestbrian Bestbrian is offline
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Originally Posted by Jason View Post
Some Americans, including at least one former member of Congress are busy selling the Russian-led narrative that the U.S. has numerous secret bio-weapons labs in Ukraine. It is suspected by our intel community that Russia is using this narrative to cover their own planned use of bio-weapons, which they can then blame on 'breached' U.S. bio-labs.
Putin needs to fabricate reasons for a larger war that he can sell at home. Remember, he denied that he was doing anything other than "exercises", and then invaded to "assist and protect" the two client states in the Donbas. That's not a good enough reason to explain a ruinously expensive and expansive invasion. Manufacturing fake WMD threats might be one way to try to sell this entirely unnecessary and ridiculous enterprise, and maybe gives him an accomplishment that allows him to declare victory and go home.
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