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Old 05-04-2021, 12:45 PM
Olefin Olefin is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Greencastle, PA
Posts: 3,003

I have an article that Chris Callahan put together a long time ago with the units that were there that I am working on to put out with the next fanzine. The question of MilGov versus CivGov control was addressed by him.

SOUTHCOM has DIA elements in it -which says they are reporting to MilGov since the DIA is with MilGov. They are at Fort Clayton

CivGov representatives are at Panama City

So it appears that both governments have representatives there - that would imply some kind of shared control - or that MilGov is tolerating the CivGov elements

His article has this:

The CIA has its own air force (or remnants thereof) located at Panama City Airport (PAC), which is 27 km NE of Panama City. The actual CivGov HQ is in Panama City itself, and includes the State Department, DEA, and Customs Service personnel which were originally assigned to SOUTHCOM before the split.
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