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Old 03-16-2019, 03:10 AM
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StainlessSteelCynic StainlessSteelCynic is offline
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Originally Posted by Legbreaker View Post
See, this is why I have three external hard drives....
Haha! I have two, one of which is pretty much overloaded with pen & paper gaming stuff. Plus I have two hard-drives in the computer itself, the second is about 75% dedicated to games and music and while there's some games I would consider uninstalling, I'm not removing anything from the music folder ever!
Money also plays it's part in me having the latest Metro game - I don't have any spare, so Metro will have to wait

As for Escape From Tarkov, the developers lost my interest when they made it strictly PvP. I wanted a single player or maybe multi-player co-op successor to STALKER and while initially the developers of Tarkov seemed to be saying that that's what it would be, they changed direction early on and so I didn't bother with it.
If it had been PvP similar to The Division or Rising Storm Vietnam (both of which I play off and on), I might have tried it but the formula of "get killed, lose all your gear unless you pay real money for a form of insurance" holds no attraction for me.
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