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Old 06-15-2015, 05:49 AM
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Default Andrew Schmidt - local merchant

Mr. Schmidt likes to keep a distance to the turbulent world around him, as he did when he was a prosperous property developer in the mid 1990s and decade after. Although property development pretty much ended with the apocalypse, business did not. Using his considerable network of employees and businesspartners and the resources this varied group had at hand he managed to create an organization that survived the upheaval and led to several prosperous enterprises in the post apocalyptic world.

This includes trading and retail in foodstuffs, building materials and expertise, transportation and a variety of commodities. In short - he is a merchant and a wealthy one in T2K terms.

He never moves outside his well guarded house without a detachment of armed guards.

Currently believed to have barricaded in his house in Eureka.

Mr. Schmidt is no. 2 from the right.
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