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Old 06-06-2009, 09:45 AM
Benjamin Benjamin is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: The Burgh, PA
Posts: 112

I don't recall seeing any definitive Target List for mainland Europe. There was very fine line between the tactical exchange on military targets and the targeting of rear area strategic targets with tactical nuclear warheads. This of course morphed into a full strategic nuclear exchange using long range ballistic weapons with yields near or above the megaton range.

To compile any sort of list, one would have to read all of the European based source material to get information directly from the text. This would be very time consuming and almost certainly reveal at least some contradictions. Many of the references of nuclear strike locations within the various modules seemed to be plot driven, though there is often a direct connection to a past military campaign in the area. Unfortunately, there was never an in depth military history of the war that covered all of the major operations and campaigns.

We might be able to work up a decent Target List for France, Belgium, Mexico and a few other neutrals based upon known oil facilities and important strategic targets.

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