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Old 02-10-2009, 04:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Krejcik
how could a person with no weapons, only say a rifle and rocks disable a tank? say a T-55 or older. Is it possible? I was thinking to just get close as possible and to run around it, trying to disorient it and getting the tank to run into something or jam the barrel up with rocks and debris?

realistic and almost realistic answers pls
First, elevation. The soldier needs to be higher than the main gun or coaxial MG can reach. An AA MG is less of a problem, since on most tanks a creman has to expose himself to use it, which is what a sniper wants.

Short of killing the crew, the only way he could possibly disable a tank with a rifle it to break a track, which would require a very heavy rifle, at least .50-cal. and probably with AP ammo.
A generous and sadistic GM,
Brandon Cope
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