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Old 08-26-2018, 10:29 AM
swaghauler swaghauler is offline
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Originally Posted by guncrazy View Post
Yeah I think they are finally gettign that point lol. But now that the first wave is coming they will have to deal with street to street combat first. Their first combat ever, pretty excited for it. Its amazing how some timely placed terrible rolls add to the roleplay lol.
I'm sure the fun isn't over yet. Those Militia probably have 3 or 4 FOs. This means that the first FO team could have "marked" (ranged and determined the grid coordinated of) EVERY important roadway/terrain feature, weapon's bunker, commo antenna, and AFV in the town. The M198s will then begin to fire on every strategically important object until they reduce it to rubble. It takes about 10 seconds to load during sustained fire and the HE shell's flight speed is about 800m per second. If they are 10km out, this will equate to a shell landing every 20 to 30 seconds (4 to 6 rounds) as long as the ammo holds out. Danger Close for artillery is around 1000m so not targets within 1km of the Militia will be targeted.

On the bright side, your players could be considered to have "Registered" (ie pre-ranged) all of the important terrain features and objectives. This will make your mortar fire ONE LEVEL EASIER and you may have "Short Orders" set up for these locations.

A "Short Order" is a single word designator like "location Lima Two" or "hill 123" that allow you to direct fire onto a location with just a single 5-second combat round of communication. "Registration" can also be done with crew-served machineguns (the tripod can record azimuth of fire and elevation needed) and AT weapons.
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