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Old 04-04-2016, 11:53 PM
TrailerParkJawa TrailerParkJawa is offline
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Originally Posted by Targan View Post
I've seen some crazy, crazy shit during my times in the great Australian outback. To be honest most Australians aren't rough, tough supermen, but that's because most Australians are born and bred city dwellers who don't have a clue about even the basics of outback survival. People who were born and raised in the bush, they're a different breed. I feel I can say these things without bias, because I'm a city dweller who has spent time in the bush and been around real outback people and spent time as an Army Reservist. I won't say I could just walk off into the Never-Never and survive for years, but I wouldn't be one of the typical Australian city people who would literally die within two days of being dumped in the middle of nowhere.
I just got back from a vacation in Australia. I visited Melbourne, Cairns, and Sydney. What I observed matches what you say. Most Australians are city or suburb types. The country seems to be a bit of a nanny-state with warning sings that border on ridiculous; there was a sign on a strip club warning that you might see situations inside that may offend. Like wow?!

My dad spent a lot of time in Alice Springs in the 90's and his descriptions of the folks that live there match people you might meet in Nevada or rural America. Tough folks that mind their own business..

Overall though I really liked it. Melbourne and Cairns in particular. I was stuck however that in the T2K timeline some of these cities probably got nuked and it represents most of Australias actually population.
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