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Old 08-29-2020, 10:30 PM
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StainlessSteelCynic StainlessSteelCynic is offline
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Originally Posted by cosmicfish View Post
Along time ago, I ran a TMP campaign using GURPS. Partly this was for the versatility and playability, but one feature that really drew me to it was the way the Project could be implemented using tech levels. In particular, the 3e Vehicles supplement offered a great play-balanved way of producing Project vehicles and seeing how they would fare against 20th century technology.
I can understand that because on the surface, the Twilight: 2000 system does not seem to address any tech difference unless you're talking about the variation in 20th century technology. Even then, it doesn't really consider anything much more than vehicles and weapons. There's no real treatment of communications technology, aircraft tech levels, power generation or even medical technology levels.

However, if you use the Traveller: The New Era books, you get a much better treatment of differing tech levels while staying on the familiar turf of the GDW rules system. Part of the Traveller: TNE world history involves a devastating apocalypse that threw some planets back to more primitive tech levels, part of it is because the PCs can be expected to land on planets that have not advanced to the same tech level as the PCs.
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