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Old 03-04-2009, 06:08 AM
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Legbreaker Legbreaker is offline
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That was 1,000 miles away (but I think I read somewhere it was actually 800) and only one bomb.

In T2K we're given no real idea of how many were used, but in my opinion, we can assume that tactical warheads flew about like leaves in autumn. Once strategic strikes began (which in Europe Nato initiated by the way), I'd think most electrical systems would have been subjected to dozens, if not hundreds of EMP bursts. By the time the big bombs dropped closer to home, many of the available spare parts would already have been used leaving almost nothing to recover from the much more intense strategic bursts.

We can also safely assume that at some point almost every location in Europe had a nuke dropped within one or two hundred miles. The constant, close range battering curcuitry suffered is almost certain to eventually have an effect.
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