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Old 11-21-2010, 10:50 PM
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Originally Posted by natehale1971 View Post
I have not said it's a flotilla of passenger liners. Hell, the main books state that not even a FRACTION of the project has been activated. I've been writing about HOW the project was suppose to work AT THE TIME IT WAS SUPPOSE TO GO ACTIVE. Five to Ten years post-TEOTWAWKI. Not 150 years. If i was going for the project starting 150+ years after the event, there would be a hell of alot of things I'd be doing different.

The whole point of the game was that your characters were part of something LARGER than themselves, and that they are out of their element when they wake up. They were suppose to work within the framework of the Project. But when they wake up they find out that there was a major clusterfuck that's occurred and they are waking up in a situation where it's JUST THEM operating all on their own. They don't have the resources they were suppose to have, and they have to do the job all themselves.

My work is to show HOW the project was suppose to work. Do you really think ANYONE would have volunteered knowing they would wake up isolated without someone getting their backs?

I know I might, but i'm crazy that way. I've always put others needs ahead of my own. Even after all i've been through, i still put others ahead of myself, and have opened my home up to strangers so they can have a place to live instead of the streets more than once. And yes the first time i did it, i got screwed, but i'm still doing it.

you see things as just a lifeboat that set sail too late. if that was the case, even the team would be helpless and their mission hopeless. But of course the game books state that was not the case. Not even a fraction of the project and it's assets have been activated. The project IS a large thing, and once the Phoenix Team activated Prime Base they started to kick the project off. That was the entire purpose of that module. Even if the GM didn't activate Phoenix team or inculde it in his world. The PCs that discovered the base, were to get the entire project back on its feet.
This part I have no disagreement with, it's back to debating the information/issue at hand but this part...
Originally Posted by natehale1971 View Post
Really? Because the way you're acting says otherwise.
You need to recognize and fully understand that I am not attacking you just because I have disagreed with the way you see the game but the statement above and your comment to Drashal ("Before you tell ANYONE to go back to school, you need to at least learn to spell.") makes me think that you believe we are trying to belittle/attack you. This is not the case.

I'm happy to argue about the game with you and if we could meet in real life we could shout at each other, grind our teeth, pull out our hair and glare at each other then buy some food or drinks (or both) and realize we are both as interested in the game but just see it in different ways. However, continued name-calling makes that entirely too unlikely and makes this forum a whole lot less pleasant to inhabit.
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