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Old 12-18-2008, 06:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Tegyrius
Mmm... with all due respect, Targan, I don't see such invitations as carrying any particular value, given the impracticality of making a transcontinental or transoceanic flight for the sole purpose of face-to-face discussion on something that ultimately really isn't that important when you put it in perspective. It's a lot more reasonable to make such requests if you're in the same city, but the distributed nature of this medium has some weird effects on what would otherwise be somewhat normal social conventions. I'll acknowledge the principle of geographically-induced consequences, though.
I take no offence to the above comments and you are absolutely right. It should be noted that

A) When I started posting on the old forums I had only recently started posting on internet forums as I had never before had home internet access, and I was unused to the amazing levels of crassness and rudeness that the internet seems to bring out in some people; and
B) I stopped trying to "call people out" on their rudeness fairly quickly when I realised the futility of it.

Its just that in Australian society (much like in American society I suspect) if an adult male is openly verbally rude to another adult male they can very shortly expect a punch in the face. I've found that one of the benefits of getting older is that I have become less and less inclined to take crap from people. And if it comes to a physical confrontation my opponent had best be prepared to knock me out because once I'm pissed off I find it REALLY hard to back off.

The community at this forum is generally quite even tempered and I really do respect everyones' opinons here. It is actually very rare for things to get heated around here and I really like that.
"It is better to be feared than loved" - Nicolo Machiavelli
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