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Old 10-27-2008, 06:49 PM
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Mohoender Mohoender is offline
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I think you are right. Moreover, I would expect your observations to be very true and these vehicles might be intended for the same type of uses than the one you describe for the israeli vehicles.

Of course, they will need some maintenance but being built from older models they might not need that much. I agree also about maintenance and that's why I keep wandering about maintaining tanks in T2K. Moreover, if the BRT-T is an APC, the BMP-T looks more like a gunship (a mix between a tank chaser and an anti-infantry platform). According to what I have read, they were developped from experience in Grozny. As I know, Russian APC's and tanks proved fairly vulnerable in these fightings much like the israeli mechanized troops in Gaza. Also according to what I know, US troops are experiencing the same kind of problem in Irak: Abrams proved more vulnerable than expected. I expect it to be true as I remember an Abrams destroyed (or put out of order) by a WWII gun in Baghdad. Not always easy to point out a cannon in a narrow street.

Actually, these vehicles (from Israel and Russia) reminds me of some german experience made during WWII with specific tanks used in the Warsaw Getho and among various garrison units.
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