Thread: The USO in T2K
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Old 12-23-2009, 08:12 PM
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Targan Targan is offline
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Originally Posted by kato13 View Post
Semi related, I think I remember someone at RPGhost doing something with survivors of a movie crew who were stranded in Europe. The only details I remember was there were a bobybuilder, a Pamela Anderson type, a stuntman, a cameraman, plus a few others, and most of their weapons were capable of only firing blanks.
I remember that. There was a very informative discussion about the differences between blank firing attachments and movie firearms that are specially made to fire blanks only.

In my campaign when Major Po and his sociopath squad arrived in Bremerhaven he organised an all-services martial arts tournament at a soccer stadium in an attempt to keep US servicemen and women from getting bored until the Omega fleet left. Unfortunately it became a focus for a massive amount of dodgy activity (mainly illegal gambling and attempted fixing of bouts).

Things came to a head when my brother's PC (the 6'5", 230lb American Samoan US Marine Corporal Urana Ratowi) made it to the final bout of the highest weight class and beat his opponent to death in the ring. It turned out that the referee (a US Army officer) had a lot of gold bet on Ratowi's opponent and he tried to shoot Ratowi. Ratowi disarmed the ref and beat him to death too, sparking a massive riot. It took a day and a half for the MPs and security units to get things under control again and Po and his group barely made it out of the stadium alive.

The only decent short story I ever wrote about that campaign was about that tournament and the days leading up to it. I'll go through my old archives and see if I can find it and post it here.
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