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Old 08-27-2016, 06:48 AM
.45cultist .45cultist is offline
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Originally Posted by Matt W View Post
In my MP world, I have Ballooners as a big clue that someone has reconstructed an industrial civilization


This civilization is a loose alliance of city-states AND it is not based on the continent of North America. Most members are in South Asia, but some are in South America, the Caribbean and North-West Europe (and New Zealand is being considered for membership). These economies have redeveloped to the point where trans-oceanic trade is profitable. Unfortunately, warfare is also a possibility and they would prefer not to fight over the valuable ruins of North America. Therefore, in order to exploit the salvage, they have developed an independent and international corps of Ballooners, who operate large dirigibles (which are named after American cities)

The modus operandi of the Ballooners is to "scout out" communities that their Trade Agents can deal with. The Ballooners themselves might exchange a few easily-portable goods - but the heavy stuff is dealt with by Agents who then contract with Truckers and River Traders for transportation to seaports. These seaports have large paramilitary bases and would be hugely useful in any attempt to reconstruct the USA, Canada, and Mexico. IF THE MORROW PROJECT COULD PERSUADE THEM TO HELP. Changing the Ballooner's objective would not be easy. Not only is there a strong (bureaucratic) inertia - but there is a lingering suspicion about the "people who blew up the world"
This has possibilties for the Atlantis Project too.
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