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Old 01-06-2010, 08:58 AM
John Farson John Farson is offline
The Good Man
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Helsinki, Finland
Posts: 87

Originally Posted by chico20854 View Post
I just found this litle gem, from the CIA's declassified translation of the secret Soviet military journal "Military Thought" from 1965:

"It is inadvisable to include in the given [Far Eastern] theater the Chukchi Peninsula, Kamchatka, and Alaska. In these areas it is impossible to employ
operational formations [army-size] of ground forces both because of the severe natural conditions, the inadequate economic development of the area, and the scant availability of routes of transportation, and also because of the absence of major enemy ground forces in Alaska."
Interesting. I guess this means that IRL if things had come to a head between the US and USSR that there wouldn't have been a Soviet invasion of Alaska? And vice versa, of course. This does fit my own personal canon of T2K where I just pretend that the Russian invasion of Alaska and Queen Charlotte Islands (Canada) never took place. After all, why invade something as impassable as Alaska when you can just nuke the important bits? Of course, the US would do exactly the same to Siberia. Them nukes and long range bombers would sure be swarming over the Bering strait.

I also have my own opinion about the feasibility of the Mexican invasion of '98, but maybe it's better for a separate thread.
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