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Old 10-23-2008, 03:28 AM
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Mohoender Mohoender is offline
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Default Funny things about Chernobyl

I don't really think about making this a true thread but I had this funny info from someone who visited Chernobyl several time as early as 1992.

People are back in the exclusion zone and farmers are rebuilding and cultivating the lands again (pay attention to what you buy). In fact they have been back for some times already.

Wild life is everywhere.

The only zone that remained untouched is the "Forêt Rousse" (Red haired forest) where most of the radiation fall down. There, trees and life forms are really twisted, with roots growing from tree tops...

The stored equipments that were left behind (helicopters for exemple) had been used as spare parts by the Ukrainian government. Therefore, no need of thermic to find an Ukrainian helicopter in the night, a geiger counter will do just fine. That might help in T2K.

When exposed to rads your max exposure is of 2.5 rad a year. When exposed to 25 to 100 rad, you die. Surprisingly, a fireman exposed to 400 is still alive and fine but he remain the sole exception to these days (as no one really feel like joining with him). I'll be thinking about including this in my game, a resilient PC or NPC could be interesting. The measurment has changed and I have trouble finding my way around but I hope you get the general idea.
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