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Old 09-18-2020, 01:46 PM
Olefin Olefin is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Greencastle, PA
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Leg - they have units exclusively armed with Soviet tanks - and the chances of that are zero - neither army had any Soviet tanks at all - zero - and the lack of any of the tanks that were in their actual armies makes that book basically worthless - its like a City of Angels on steroids (i.e where the heck did the Mexicans get all that Soviet equipment)

I basically ignore the whole Sourcebook as to what tanks the Greeks and Turks have - and remember the Turks are mentioned in the NATO sourcebook and it does tell what tanks their army actually has - all it would have taken is the author literally cracking open a GDW published official canon book that was available at the GDW office to get it right for Turkey

And I highly doubt the Turks - who got their asses kicked and their army destroyed in Thrace - have much in the way of any captured Soviet equipment
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