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Old 04-26-2022, 11:22 AM
Louied Louied is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 244


Great stuff! I just want to be pedantic in one thing….The UDR
The Ulster Defense Regiment was not part of the TA. They existed on a separate Corps Warrant for service in the Province of Ulster. From the documents I have the plan on TTW (Joint Theatre Plan 335) was for ALL (except one) the regular Bns in NI to go transfer back to the mainland UK. Their ATGW Pls would be sent to BAOR and the rest of the Bn would become the Regional Reserve for several Districts. The Omagh based regular Bn would stay in NI to become the Regional Reserve for the Province. The UDR would be called up for active (full time) service in its entirety (IIRC about 8,000 men and woman in 1989). The UDR would then conduct MHD and IS duties in Ulster. Many UDR Bns had anywhere between four to eight coys on paper, so I could see them forming additional Bns.
Incidentally, I have not found anything on TTW roles for the three regular Bde HQs in NI…..HOWEVER….under some on paper plans regarding COGRAM (Creation of a General Reserve After Mobilization) they were earmarked to provide cadres to establish two Bdes as MHD Reserve for UKLF.

Last edited by Louied; 04-26-2022 at 01:00 PM.
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