Thread: Spys like us?
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Old 07-07-2016, 01:43 AM
Project_Sardonicus Project_Sardonicus is offline
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One of the things about Krell people notice after a while is they're all dudes, no ladies in there at all. This may not surprise any Morrow members who ever did a tour as UN peacekeepers. Their aim is to create a pure warrior society and shatter all normal familial relations. Once a year they collect what they consider to be the pick of the male children. An experienced Morrow team finding several villages with mostly girls may well want to get out of the neighborhood.

These children are brutalized into becoming child soldiers maybe half survive the experience, to become teens and of those maybe half survive becoming cannon fodder in Krell's endless wars.

Of those a tiny number still manage to seemingly function as normal human beings. In essence the Krell recruitment process has become a sociopath factory. They may look human, they may sound human but the Krell spy is dead all the way on the inside. And after having been part of the horror of Krell from early childhood they are utterly loyal, as no one else will accept them.

They don't need any fancy gadgets or networks they can enter any village or town, see the lie of the land fit in and walk out, having charmed the natives. A few weeks later a surprisingly well informed and devastatingly effective raid can be expected to take place. Sometimes these agents can stay in place for years, build a life. They tend to leave coded hand written reports sealed in prearranged locations for reconnaissance patrols to pick up.

Krell backs this up with some surprisingly sophisticated comms interception using captured Project radios. And deep reconnaissance patrols maybe half a dozen men on horses or mountain bikes. Or sometimes just one man.

Two especially nasty tricks Krell enjoy are

"the rejected son" sometimes one of the children they sweep up takes to the Krell life especially swiftly. They're then allowed to return to their home village, having been rejected. Their parents weep and are joyful, unbenknownst they've take a viper back into their nest.

The false refugee.

Sometimes after a particularly brutal series of raids, Krell will seed the fleeing columns of refugees with agents. Sometimes to lead the columns to "places of safety" which are no such thing.
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