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Old 04-02-2016, 10:53 AM
Project_Sardonicus Project_Sardonicus is offline
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Posts: 153

This is a fascinating subject and proof for my thoughts that a proper Morrow campaign would either be dark or ridiculous.

Look at this way lets see Prime Base has 500 staff, about standard for a far more modest UK ROTA bunker. They don't work for the government or even the military they work for a shady, illegal corporate body.

So they're going to sit nice and safe underground with lights and food and clean water etc etc Maybe even a couple of game stations whilst the world goes to hell around them? If you read books on NORAD and similar institutions there were severe doubts from the commanders that a significant percentage of crews would turn up or even fulfill their duties.

Their families, friends and pets are reduced to radioactive ash or eating each other? What kind of person wouldn't hop in an armoured vehicle or chopper and round up their family and bring them to safety? Not just on day one but on every day of the 5 years the project would be operating just observing?

So for my campaign a few ideas kick in

1 The Prime Base overwatch staff are primairly made up of loners. People with no families, subjects of bitter divorces who never want to see their families again. The kind of people who wouldn't crack the door open for any reason.

2 No kids and preferably no sex at all. This is a 5 year submarine mission any stress from relationship conflicts will cause problems, not to mention any kids and it gets crowded fast. So contraceptive injections compulsory.

3 The crew can't really be trusted so all weapons are locked away, all communications outwards are blocked and the doors are time locked.

4 Maybe a couple of human therapists. But mostly everyone has to do a couple of hours a week on a computerised cognitive behaviour program that attaches to the powerful AI actually running the base. This AI on a day by day basis decides access to key systems, what drugs staff are on (anti anxiety depressives), whether someone needs to go into cold storage and perhaps if a crew member is to dangerous to even live.

Like I say the project is absolutely not an accountable government body.

This creates an atmosphere where by the time the 5 years are up not only the Primebase crew most likely a pale skinned, race of drug addicted morlocks. But they're the polar opposite of the Recon teams they'll be waking up.

You can almost see how Krell becomes an inevitability.
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