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Old 06-24-2009, 01:35 AM
leonpoi leonpoi is offline
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Posts: 171

I know that Merc2000 lists the following:
Sounds are categorised as:
clear - the distance at which the sound can be heard clearly. At this range, the direction from which the sound originated can be discerned, and I guess it can be identified as a gunshot.
max - is the maximum distance at which the sound can be heard—direction can be determined only within a 90° arc (left, right, forward or rear quadrants).

Silenced weapon, clear 10m, max 20m (same range as talking)
Suppressed weapon, clear 40m, max 80m (same range as shouting)
Small arms, clear 500m, max 1000m
heavy weapons, clear 1000m, max 2000m
explosions, 1500m, max 3000m

Having grown up on a farm and having heard neighbours shooting shotguns/rifles I'd say that the small arms ranges are about right, though you get a good echo of hills and mountains stretching max out to about 2km at a guess.

This is by no way definitive, but I hope it helps a bit.

[edit] just read Targan's post which he must have done while I was writing and I thought I'd add something: until I knew that the neighbours were using guns I didn't know what the sound was, though a solider would be better trained than I.....
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