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Old 04-07-2012, 05:55 PM
raketenjagdpanzer's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Targan View Post

I like the idea of Tarawa not being in a suitable condition for the main Omega evacuation but being seaworthy enough by some time during 2001 to evacuate the Marines (and maybe 8th ID) from Poland/the Baltic States. It strikes me as a bit more unlikely, but possible, that the Tarawa was one of the ships that split off from the main Omega fleet to bring the 6000 troops to the RDF. That could certainly explain how it was initially with the Omega fleet but wasn't the flagship.
Targan, is a 3rd way feasible?

What about an all-encompassing Opord:Omega that has troops being pulled from Korea, Japan, Australia and points east...erm, west...and the Tarawa is conveniently the flagship of that evac mission, and it takes place at the same time, having avoided the worst of the typhoon season?

It satisfies all parties: Tarawa still afloat, but not a factor in the European/Baltic theatre.
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