Thread: KFS Refit
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Old 09-14-2017, 12:53 AM
Project_Sardonicus Project_Sardonicus is offline
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Originally Posted by Matt W View Post
The squad I described is straight out of "Bullets and Bluegrass"

Also, according to the module, KFS troops are VERY well-paid. They are volunteers and the military chooses only the best applicants. They have adequate training and good morale. Soldiers' families are not permitted at the border posts; they live at cities in the interior (the Secret Police can keep them as hostages if anyone tries to desert)

The KFS military are confident (even overconfident) but that's because they've never encountered enemies with anything close to their firepower and organization. If they meet a Morrow Project team with an autocannon or an automatic grenade launcher...well, it'll be a shock

Now, if you're talking about a "Peasant's Revolt" then that's going to be crushed by the Secret Police. The Army is a last resort
According to Bullets and Blue Grass the Secret Police were specifically created to deal with the MPs. They have some secret bunker with advanced computers for listening in on their communications. The v300 was built specifically for taking out MP vehicles as were the rifle grenades. The SPs have a lot of experience in dealing with the MPs. They're not going to be overly bothered by a pipsqueak armoured vehicle or automatic grenade launcher.

True the KFS have never faced an enemy on their scale, but they've had a lot of experience knocking over much weaker foes and Morrow Teams.

The analogy I always thinks fits is they're like the European imperial powers in the 1930s. When both were fighting campaigns against large, but technologically primitive foes in Iraq etc. Where a few aircraft, armoured cars and artillery made most engagements a push over. Right up until they ran into the Germans.
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