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Old 12-27-2010, 03:15 PM
robj3 robj3 is offline
Some bloke
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Newcastle NSW
Posts: 51

Tony Stroppa wrote:

The Project is going to be activated 3-5 years after a major disaster, not
weeks or months. At that point, is there still going to be an immediate crisis?
Contingency planning. A team could wake up in the middle of a famine, flood, wildfires, etc. etc.

Just because civilization has ended doesn't mean that something else can't go wrong. The project has a 'global' mission but has to respond to local problems.

I also agree the Project seems to be aimed towards a limited nuclear
exchange instead of the typical "total destruction" scenario. It seems to
me isolated teams (no matter how well armed) aren't optimally organised to
cope with a complete loss of civil order, and there doesn't seem to be
enough resources to rebuild a completely destroyed industrial infrastructure.
That's not my point, but I wasn't explicit.
A limited exchange represents the minimum disaster level ('the low end of the range') the Project should be able to respond to.

The extant game material is weighted towards field teams for play purposes, I think.
A supply/support depot based scenario (Morrow Project + MASH/China Beach/Sgt. Bilko??) might be someone's cup of tea.

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