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Old 02-18-2009, 01:30 AM
Caradhras Caradhras is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: England
Posts: 135

A player in my Polish TW2k campaign (the original) wanted to buy some flash-bangs as per SaS room clearance tool. I said that even in Krakow and knowing all the arms dealers these were far too obscure to get. So, he decided to make some with the help of the party CBE guy. After a while they were deemed to have made something to that effect but I said they were trial devices not tested on people so they wouldnt know their effectiveness until then.

So, to test and hone the efficiency of the devices, the said char (he had a long military background with some 'issues' from his service in the field - british para Falklands etc) decided to be the test dummy :P Despite the minor injuries and deep unpleasantness described he char now occaisionally tests the odd flash-bang...for fun..

He also has an unhealthy affection for 'Elouise', his PK gpmg.
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