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Old 04-11-2010, 01:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Targan View Post
I haven't seen Doomsday. Is it worth watching?
If you are a post-apocalyptic completist, like me, then I guess you have to see it... much like I'm going to end up seeing The Book of Eli despite being completely turned off by the plot. I mean really...


(spoiler space)

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... the LAST bible? He's carrying the LAST bible? In one generation every bible in North America is destroyed? How is that likely? Did the ICBMs home in on Hotel 6s and blow up all the Gideon Bibles? People in this country are more likely to burn their copy of Grey's Anatomy for warmth before they burn their bible.

As for Doomsday... it's got a lot of problems.

Number 1: Why is it that after the apocalypse the only clothing that seems to survive is punk rock fetish wear?

Number 2: Since when can you take out a moving armored car with a cross-bow bolt to the driver through the armored window. And if they're such good shots with crossbows, why didn't they urban horde just stand off and silently snipe the team of soldiers and scientists from the shadows?

Number 3: Why do the urban punks engage is suicidal human wave attacks until the soldiers run out of ammo? The ruins are their home turf. They are supposed to know every nook and cranny of the ruins and should be able to use it to their advantage, but instead they just yell a lot and run out in the open waving improvised weapons and get mowed down .

Number 4: If the urban punks are cannibals, why did they only cook and eat the one live person they caught. What about all the dead guys that were killed in the battle? What about their own dead? Enough of their own got mowed down in those human wave attacks to keep the rest of them fed for a week.

Number 5: the leader of the urban punks has to be the least charismatic leader I've ever seen. How did this lame-o get in charge of anything?

Number 6: Hot barbarian chick doesn't do shit. I mean, what I really hate is that the soldiers and scientists get ground under by wave after wave of suicidal attacks until the last few get captured. Then this chick with all the face tats and cleavage strolls up, all covered in bad ass attitude and stands around looking tough. WTF? Tough? I didn't see her do shit during the attack. Where the hell was she when all the bullets were flying? But we, the audience is supposed to be impressed with her? Just because she dresses well? Who remembers Mad Max 2 aka The Road Warrior? Remember Wez? We knew he was bad ass and scary because we saw him be bad ass and scary. I freakin' hate it when movie makers drop villains in front of me that are supposed to be impressive and then do nothing except show them fail to kill the hero.

Number 7: I could just go on and on nit-picking this one to death, going through each logical fallacy, each lame plot moment, each uninspired action sequence, but really, isn't the main problem here that we already saw this movie once before. It was called Escape for New York.

A. Scott Glancy, President TCCorp, dba Pagan Publishing
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