Thread: Rule Question
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Old 06-04-2009, 06:22 AM
Caradhras Caradhras is offline
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Slightly different but -

Funnily enough only last night I was running my weekly T2k campaign and a situation occured where my player was using a melee weapon and the enemy was forced into unarmed/body combat. The player gets 1st swings and hits, then I realise there is no block/dodge option for the npc (version 1 rules btw).

I will have to make something up to fit, becase although it would be difficult to block/dodge a knife/bayonet attack bare handed it is obviously possible particularly if specifically trained as most players chars would be. Allowing a diff BC roll is the simple option. (as I write this away from my rules, I wonder if there was something in there I missed after the wine and in the 'heat' of GMing )

To a lesser degree with the OP, trained player charachters would have a chance to block/dodge thrown weapons too. Without a complex system I guess the variables (what the player has as cover/tool to block with + the size/speed of the missile) would mean it would be more improvised 'on the spot' chance based on their BC/MC skill and/or agility.
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