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Old 09-04-2022, 03:11 PM
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Tegyrius Tegyrius is offline
This Sourcebook Kills Fascists
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 895
Default Oops, I Did It Again: Random PC Generator

So there you are: waiting for the bus in the pouring rain after a long night of gaming during which you finally pushed your referee too far. In retrospect, the warning signs were there: shaking hands, a nervous tic at the corner of his eye, incoherent frothing rage every time a PC laughed off another 1d6 9mm round to the head. You knew he was tired of apparent PC immortality but you really didn't think he'd go as far as he did tonight. You never expected him to bribe Paul Mulcahy to stat up the RPC.

But it happened. Now you're cold, wet, slightly cranky, and trying to figure out what to roll up for your replacement character.

I'm here to help you.

Introducing the all*-new random Twilight: 2000 v2.2 player character generator. Select your preferences, click the button, and (assuming I debugged several thousand lines of code correctly) it will spew forth a complete player character, fully clothed and equipped and ready for post-nuclear adventuring. With at least 89,280 possible combinations, you'll never need to worry again about having a backup PC!

- C.

* Contains approximately 37.5% pre-used content from the starting equipment generator. Guaranteed gluten-free.
Clayton A. Oliver • Occasional RPG Freelancer Since 1996

Author of The Pacific Northwest, coauthor of Tara Romaneasca, creator of several other free Twilight: 2000 and Twilight: 2013 resources, and curator of an intermittent gaming blog.

It rarely takes more than a page to recognize that you're in the presence of someone who can write, but it only takes a sentence to know you're dealing with someone who can't.
- Josh Olson
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