Thread: PROS and CONS
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Old 02-18-2009, 11:25 AM
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Talking Problem?

Originally Posted by headquarters
I thought that the natural gas in the container would burn for longer as it was in a restricted space and had less than optimum supply of oxygene.Also I though that the gear you mentioned would catch fire and that this in it self would give burn wounds .(As pr core rules you get 1D6 dmg PR SECOND in a phase if burnt by gasoline,napalm or other where as you guys got 1D6 pr PHASE).

Also I did state that the robot was engulfed in flames , but with less burnable material on the outside it would go out faster.

But I hear you and will amend for next time I blow you up .
Firstly I then think that the next gas explosion will be more a 2 phase affair .
phase 1 -shockwave ,shrapnel flying and the heatblast
phase 2 - remaining gas ,if any, burns out and a lesser heatblast pluss debris coming down again

what do you think guys?
I don't see the problem with the gas at all. Lets see what we know about the gas....

- it was found in a military research laboratory
- it burned/has explosive properties
- it was high chance it was experimental (unknown effects,duration time,acts as no other gas, was not gas at all but something similar,or other)
- contained under pressure...perhaps it wassnt and it had a steady supply of gas distributed from unknown source and was put out by a internal security system in the tank itself)
- we never tried to get a sample
- we really don't know enough to deduce all the unknown....

"I'm in no condition to drive...wait! I shouldn't listen to myself, I'm drunk!" -Homer J. Simpson

on a side note:

Here is a good reason to wear battle armor in firefights..

anyone would instinctivly aim for someone like this at a battlefield.....
The Big Book of War - Twilight 2000 Filedump Site
Guns don't kill people,apes with guns do.
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