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Old 01-09-2010, 11:35 AM
clivegh clivegh is offline
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Default If the Morrow Project Works

Funny you should ask this, as in my current campaign (Play by Online Internet)
the morrow project is awakening and trying to rebuild southern California. There is perhaps about 110 Morrow Project Personal who are active under the command of a command team.

The Command Group was a support Engineering one so most of the teams are not combat but engineering support.

As a GM its really interesting to have the Morrow Project some what active in the world and trying to work with local governments to rebuild the US. There is a Lot of politics and large world wide events going on that the team needs to deal with (Both with Guns and Talking).

Its very different than the lone team out on its own trying to survive. Its much more like being in the US military. The Players are still 150 years out of date with the locals so they make lots of mistakes (Mostly paying WAY to much for anything they trade for. The Local on the Team ( a Trucker) has threaten to take all the money and trade items from the team as they are getting taken for 100 times the local amount every time they open there mouths).

But I am kind of tired of the LONE team out to save the world. I want the project to be badly damaged but IT as a ORIGINATION will save the world.

In that way, it any GM want to share a bit (Communications between teams of campaigns, I think that could be great. Esp if its in the form of Emails or Telettype words as the average is that the teams are going to be so far away they will never meet in person.
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